Keeping Your Eye On Success

Are  you targeting your success efforts?

It is important to always keep a watchful eye on what you are doing,
otherwise you will find yourself straying off the path that you were
originally walking (or hopefully running) toward.

When you go through your life things change from year to year,
and that includes the menu of your interests.  You may find yourself
changing jobs, careers, taking up new hobbies, even wanting to
make one of your hobbies into a business.

No matter what you want to do, or are doing, if you are ready
to make changes that will create a better life for yourself and
your loved ones, then you MUST take aim at what you need to
do to make things happen.  

Change does not just take place on its own, and the
that do take place are often not under our control,
or in our best interests.

If you want to be in charge of what happens to you, and not
some agency of the goverment, or a bank, or some family
member who is going to hold "How much he helped you"
over your head every time you are with them, then YOU
need to take charge.

Taking charge of what you do means targeting your
efforts to make the best use of your time and energies
so that will be able to be in charge of your own life,
and help others to fulfill their needs.

You need to go where YOU want to go.

But before you can do that, you must:

1. Know exactly where it is that you want to go.
There is an old, but very applicable saying that goes:
"How do you know when you get there, if you don't
know where you are going?"

2. Map out your strategy.
This "Mapping Out" is just a matter of narrowing down
those things that are most important to you.  It may take
a small amount of time, but is the best thing that you
can do for yourself.

3. Plan out how to get to that destination.
We all need direction.   We plan out our days.
We figure out how much money it will take to fill
up our gas tanks (since you now must pay first).

When you are (or were) in school and were told
to write a paper, it was always suggested that
you write an outline, or plan, before you began.

It is no different (but much more important)
to do the same thing when planning your life.

4. Don't just sit there
You can plan a vacation, trip, or even a short hop to the 
grocery store and get in your car to go.  Unless you actually
start your car and make it move, nothing is going to happen.

The same thing is true in life.  If you do nothing, nothing is what
you will end up with until YOU make that move. 

Don't just sit behind the wheel of your life with
your engine running, you need to -



Need help planning?  


Doing my best to help you do yours.


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